[Salon] Nuclear War is the Most Urgent Threat - Andrew Cockburn Pt 2 - YouTube

Perhaps of interest? Andrew Cockburn here: 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_xskiSfBXo

For those who remember the wisdom and insight of Bill Polk, I put this excerpt of my oral history interview with him in this short video, to the music of Roger Waters’ “Two Suns in the Sunset.” Which might be the one thing today’s parties agree on: taking to the limit the likelihood of triggering a nuclear cataclysm, 

I entitled it "Only 60 Million!,” as Bill pointed out how that was an acceptable casualty count of dead Americans to the nuclear proponents at Rand Corporation, founded as an Air Force project, and the Air Force enthusiasts for nuclear attacks by the US like General Curtis LeMay, and his fellow AF General, and friend, Barry Goldwater. That was the world view, or Weltanschauung in the original language of such thinking, that defined the Air Force of the Cold War, and still does I have no doubt. Though I was trained by the Marines first, and later transferred to the Army, my research and work on “Low-Intensity Conflict” in the 1980s was of interest to the Army-Air Force Center for Low-Intensity so that I partnered with an Air Force Colonel who had also written on the subject and he brought me in to the Air Force Association’s Minneapolis chapter as an chapter officer, putting me almost in the “belly of the beast,” with the number of MIC participants who belonged to the chapter.  

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